Guinea Bissau’s flag has 4 colors. The national flag colors of Guinea Bissau are Red, Yellow, Green, Black. This logo is verified by the Govt. site of Guinea Bissau. The symbol of the flag is star with horizontal stripe pattern.
Get Guinea Bissau Flag
You can easily use the Guinea Bissau colors palette for your personal and commercial projects. But if you want to use the flag for your commercial or personal project please don’t forget to maintain the law and regulation of using The Guinea Bissau flag.
There are 4 unique Palette colors on the flag of Guinea Bissau called Red, Yellow, Green, Black and the color codes of HEX, RGB and CMYK will be discussed in the Guinea Bissau flag colors below –
What are the Guinea Bissau flag colors code? – HEX, RGB & CMYK
The flag is unique from the other West Africa countries in Africa. The star makes it a great look with the horizontal stripe. If you have any suggestion regarding Guinea Bissau flag color codes or colors just leave below in the comment section.