Rent-A-Center Logo Color Codes – 4 Difference RGB, HEX, CMYK

Rent-A-Center logo’s have 4 colors. The official Rent-A-Center colors of logo are Red, Lightning Yellow, Endeavour, White. This logo is verified by Rent-A-Center’s official website. They first used a logo in 1986.

You can easily use the Rent-A-Center color palette for your personal and commercial project. But if you want to use the logo for your commercial or personal prject please don’t forget to contact with Rent-A-Center.

Rent-A-Center Colors

Rent-A-Center Colors Codes

Rent-A-Center was established in 1986. It is situated in the Wichita, Kansas, United States. The colors codes of RGB, HEX, CMYK of the logo are given below –

255, 0, 0
0, 1, 1, 0
Lightning Yellow
254, 185, 20
0, 0.2717, 0.9213, 0.0039
0, 96, 174
1, 0.4483, 0, 0.3176
255, 255, 255
0, 0, 0, 0

Check the CMYK colors (based on other color) –

Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0 0, 1, 1, 0
Lightning Yellow #FEB914 254, 185, 20 0, 0.2717, 0.9213, 0.0039
Endeavour #0060AE 0, 96, 174 1, 0.4483, 0, 0.3176
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255 0, 0, 0, 0